Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Using a Binding Spell to Feel Closer to Your Partner

Relationships go through up's and down's. Sometimes it may feel as though your partner is pulling away and its the last thing that you want to happen. A binding spell can work to help a couple get through those rough patches in a relationship so that they stay together.

Sometimes a big fight can cause a rift between two people where it feels like the relationship will not go back to the way it once was. One partner attempts to overcompensate in an effort to get the relationship back on track. This is where a binding spell can come into play and help two people stay together after an argument.

binding spells
A binding spell will increase the emotional ties that a couple has making it easier to work through any problems that pop up. Fighting is minimized and more talking happens with this spell in place. The line of communication opens up and there is a stronger desire to save the relationship and value it more. More compromising happens between two people which in turn decreases stress levels.

There are also binding spells that can bring a relationship back after it has ended. Not all binding spells are designed to do this so you have to make sure that the binding spell you have cast is one that includes the return of your ex. When a love spell also includes binding it can not only bring a couple back together again, but it can also cause the two people to appreciate one another more as well.

Binding love spells bind the souls of two people so that the emotional attachment becomes stronger. Think of it like using super glue to glue them together. There isn't anything that can break it apart or come between them. Binding spells are also permanent in nature and last a life time. No other spell can break them even if someone tries to cast a break up spell to end a relationship. It also helps with fidelity and making sure there is no cheating on each other even if it was an issue that happened in the past. Once a binding spell is in place no cheating will occur in the future.

Binding spells can also be used to keep a bad person away from bringing negative energy into your life. As strong of a bond as it can create in a situation with a partner, certain binding spells are designed to do the exact opposite to expel unwanted people from your life. In circumstances where an ex is bothering your boyfriend or girlfriend, a go away binding spell can be cast to stop that person from interfering in your relationship and contacting your partner. It will not do harm to anyone but more so leads someone down another path away from where they are trying to head. It is like shutting the door and not being able to open it again. The person effected by the spell chooses to exit through the window which leads them somewhere else away from you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

October Full Moon Spell Casting

October is the absolute best time to cast spells and here is why and when it will be the most beneficial time for you to have spell work done.

Come the beginning of October the spirits are starting to rise and their energy becomes very powerful all the way up to Halloween. Also known as “All Saints day”or "Samhain." The good thing about casting in October is there is so much powerful energy from the Saints, moon, and energy all around us.

October 16th is the night of the full moon. There are 5 nights in the full moon phase. Two nights prior to the night of the full moon, the night of the actual full moon, and two nights after the full moon. This means that the full moon phase starts on October 14th and runs through October 18th. Seeing that this is inching closer to the night of Halloween, this is without a doubt the strongest full moon phase of the year to cast a spell in.

Think of it this way: The more energy created, and the more elements that create energy that you can use in a casting the more powerful and timely your results are going to be. Let’s say that you order a spell that is one night of casting for 30 minutes. If you get your casting done in a full moon phase it would be equivalent to doing a one hour casting instead of a 30 minute casting. Now let’s say that you get your 30 minute casting in a full moon phase that is so close to Halloween. This would be equivalent to getting about one and a half to two hours of casting and energy out there.

This October full moon phase would help get strong, and timely results. If you have a very stubborn case, are dealing with a stubborn person, or if there are a lot of elements that need to go into your casting. This is THE BEST time for you to have a casting done. Particularly from a coven that uses the moon as one of their elements to cast. The moon is VERY powerful and is known to control people’s actions, feelings, etc. After all, how can it not? The moon controls the ocean, and humans are made up of mostly water. It only makes sense.

In conclusion if you need a strong spell cast, the full moon phase in October is your best bet. This is something that you need to jump on because reputable covens are going to fill up very quickly.