Showing posts with label moon phase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon phase. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October New Moon Phase for Spell Casting

The upcoming New moon is October 19, 2017. It is going to be an extremely strong time to have a spell cast. Specifically towards love, and / or money. With the new moon comes new beginnings. It is a great time to start over in a relationship, find new love, get an old love back and also as have new money be attracted towards you.

While the new moon is on the 19th of October, the phase is actually five nights long. It is two nights before the new moon, the night of the new moon, and two nights after the new moon. If you are looking for fast and powerful results you are going to want to try and get a spell that is cast five consecutive nights in a row and have your spell land on every night of the new moon phase.

If you are looking to rekindle an old or lost flame you are going to want to get in this moon phase. Relationships fizzle out. It happens. Some couples get through it while some do not. If your partner broke up with you and you know that you are meant to be together, there is help out there. If they have moved on with someone else, there are still ways to get them back. If you feel it in your heart that the two of you are meant to be together, chances are that either they are your soul mate, or you have spent a previous life together in a relationship.

Have you ever felt that you are meant to be well off? Have you felt that, if you had the opportunity to be able to help family, friends, charities, ect. financially that you would jump on it? Well, if you feel like that it is more than likely that it is people like you that deserve to win big. You deserve to be able to be comfortable. With a money spell in this October new moon phase you are going to also want to find a magic spell that is five nights long so you can land a casting on each night of the new moon phase. This again helps with powerful and timely results. Find a coven that will give you the numbers to play with. I have noticed that the odds will definitely be higher and in your favor if you do so.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Spell Casting During the Solar Eclipse

August 2017 is going to be the absolute best time to have a spell cast. There is energy literally going to be bursting out of the air. In this article you will find why having a spell cast during this time is can change the direction of your life. Whether it be love (new or old), new money, or just over all good luck come your way now is the time, and here is why.

  • There is a lot of energy coming our way this August which makes for the perfect time to cast spells. With great energy comes fast results with castings AND more powerful results. 
  • We have the Perseid Meteor shower, lunar eclipse and the Total solar eclipse hitting us all in the same month! If that isn’t powerful enough, lets throw a full moon in there as well!
  • The Perseid meteor shower which will be at an all time high Aug. 12  will be right in the middle of a lunar eclipse and the much-heralded total soar eclipse, which makes for an ultimate high of energy in the sky! At this time, its rate can reach from 80 to 100 meteors per hour, and you will literally be able to see fireballs in the sky. 
  • This year, because of it being in the waning moon phase, you will be able to see 40 or 50 meteors per August 11, 12, and 13 will be the most visible

Before we reach the Perseids' peak, on the evening of Aug. 7 to 8 this is the night of the full moon which is the absolute strongest time to cast spells. This is a spell casters dream to be able to have so much energy all sandwiched together. This makes for the absolute strongest and most desired time to cast spells. It gives the clients fast and powerful results. Remember, that the full moon phase is a total of 5 nights. Two nights before the full moon, the night of the full moon, and two nights after the full moon.

With all of this positive energy lapping over each other now is the time to have a spell cast. Rule of thumb for having spells cast, the more energy (especially natural energy from the moon) the better your results are going to be. Covens are going to be on over load so I suggest making your reservation as soon as possible.

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Friday, March 17, 2017

Pink Moon Phase in April 2017 is Good for Love Spells

pink moon
Love can be smelled in the air on April 11, 2017. We will be having a pink full moon phase that night. The name "pink moon" is named after pink flowers called wild ground phlox. While looking at the moon one might be able to catch a tint of pink and others may not see any pink at all. In some regions Jupiter can be seen for a few minutes while the center of the moon comes towards the horizon.

Full moons always produce high energy that the universe thrives off of. Witches and warlocks take advantage of this energy and channel it into spells putting their dreams and wishes out there for fruition. The pink moon is a time for lovers to come back together, new relationships to start and soul mates to find each other.

The color pink is close to red and red always represents love. Pink is just another form of love and some Wiccans refer to the pink moon as the love moon because of this representation. Pink is a calming color that is subtle and smooth. This is a good time for anyone who has had a break up that resulted in feelings of resentment or betrayal to work through those feelings and either move forward and forgive.

If one partner is feeling abandoned and missing their ex this is a good time to have a love spell cast to mend that relationship. A love spell can bring calm, peaceful feelings back that over rule anything bad that happened between two people. Lovers that have been separated for years can also be reunited with a spell cast during the pink moon phase.

It is common for people who miss their ex to think about past holidays and reminisce on the good times. Then when reality hits and they realize that their ex is no longer with them on this holiday it can cause feelings of depression to take over. This is when its time to take your life back and make the decision to try to use a love spell in a way there those feelings are no longer there. Some may decide to have a life changing love spell cast to mend an old relationship and bring their ex back and others may decide to have a customized love spell cast to meet a new partner.

Whichever direction you decide that you want your love life to go, having a love spell cast during the pink moon phase is the way to get the ball rolling to bring positive changes to your life.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

October Full Moon Spell Casting

October is the absolute best time to cast spells and here is why and when it will be the most beneficial time for you to have spell work done.

Come the beginning of October the spirits are starting to rise and their energy becomes very powerful all the way up to Halloween. Also known as “All Saints day”or "Samhain." The good thing about casting in October is there is so much powerful energy from the Saints, moon, and energy all around us.

October 16th is the night of the full moon. There are 5 nights in the full moon phase. Two nights prior to the night of the full moon, the night of the actual full moon, and two nights after the full moon. This means that the full moon phase starts on October 14th and runs through October 18th. Seeing that this is inching closer to the night of Halloween, this is without a doubt the strongest full moon phase of the year to cast a spell in.

Think of it this way: The more energy created, and the more elements that create energy that you can use in a casting the more powerful and timely your results are going to be. Let’s say that you order a spell that is one night of casting for 30 minutes. If you get your casting done in a full moon phase it would be equivalent to doing a one hour casting instead of a 30 minute casting. Now let’s say that you get your 30 minute casting in a full moon phase that is so close to Halloween. This would be equivalent to getting about one and a half to two hours of casting and energy out there.

This October full moon phase would help get strong, and timely results. If you have a very stubborn case, are dealing with a stubborn person, or if there are a lot of elements that need to go into your casting. This is THE BEST time for you to have a casting done. Particularly from a coven that uses the moon as one of their elements to cast. The moon is VERY powerful and is known to control people’s actions, feelings, etc. After all, how can it not? The moon controls the ocean, and humans are made up of mostly water. It only makes sense.

In conclusion if you need a strong spell cast, the full moon phase in October is your best bet. This is something that you need to jump on because reputable covens are going to fill up very quickly.