Showing posts with label full moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label full moon. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Spell Casting During the Solar Eclipse

August 2017 is going to be the absolute best time to have a spell cast. There is energy literally going to be bursting out of the air. In this article you will find why having a spell cast during this time is can change the direction of your life. Whether it be love (new or old), new money, or just over all good luck come your way now is the time, and here is why.

  • There is a lot of energy coming our way this August which makes for the perfect time to cast spells. With great energy comes fast results with castings AND more powerful results. 
  • We have the Perseid Meteor shower, lunar eclipse and the Total solar eclipse hitting us all in the same month! If that isn’t powerful enough, lets throw a full moon in there as well!
  • The Perseid meteor shower which will be at an all time high Aug. 12  will be right in the middle of a lunar eclipse and the much-heralded total soar eclipse, which makes for an ultimate high of energy in the sky! At this time, its rate can reach from 80 to 100 meteors per hour, and you will literally be able to see fireballs in the sky. 
  • This year, because of it being in the waning moon phase, you will be able to see 40 or 50 meteors per August 11, 12, and 13 will be the most visible

Before we reach the Perseids' peak, on the evening of Aug. 7 to 8 this is the night of the full moon which is the absolute strongest time to cast spells. This is a spell casters dream to be able to have so much energy all sandwiched together. This makes for the absolute strongest and most desired time to cast spells. It gives the clients fast and powerful results. Remember, that the full moon phase is a total of 5 nights. Two nights before the full moon, the night of the full moon, and two nights after the full moon.

With all of this positive energy lapping over each other now is the time to have a spell cast. Rule of thumb for having spells cast, the more energy (especially natural energy from the moon) the better your results are going to be. Covens are going to be on over load so I suggest making your reservation as soon as possible.

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Friday, March 17, 2017

Pink Moon Phase in April 2017 is Good for Love Spells

pink moon
Love can be smelled in the air on April 11, 2017. We will be having a pink full moon phase that night. The name "pink moon" is named after pink flowers called wild ground phlox. While looking at the moon one might be able to catch a tint of pink and others may not see any pink at all. In some regions Jupiter can be seen for a few minutes while the center of the moon comes towards the horizon.

Full moons always produce high energy that the universe thrives off of. Witches and warlocks take advantage of this energy and channel it into spells putting their dreams and wishes out there for fruition. The pink moon is a time for lovers to come back together, new relationships to start and soul mates to find each other.

The color pink is close to red and red always represents love. Pink is just another form of love and some Wiccans refer to the pink moon as the love moon because of this representation. Pink is a calming color that is subtle and smooth. This is a good time for anyone who has had a break up that resulted in feelings of resentment or betrayal to work through those feelings and either move forward and forgive.

If one partner is feeling abandoned and missing their ex this is a good time to have a love spell cast to mend that relationship. A love spell can bring calm, peaceful feelings back that over rule anything bad that happened between two people. Lovers that have been separated for years can also be reunited with a spell cast during the pink moon phase.

It is common for people who miss their ex to think about past holidays and reminisce on the good times. Then when reality hits and they realize that their ex is no longer with them on this holiday it can cause feelings of depression to take over. This is when its time to take your life back and make the decision to try to use a love spell in a way there those feelings are no longer there. Some may decide to have a life changing love spell cast to mend an old relationship and bring their ex back and others may decide to have a customized love spell cast to meet a new partner.

Whichever direction you decide that you want your love life to go, having a love spell cast during the pink moon phase is the way to get the ball rolling to bring positive changes to your life.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Super Moon Lunar Eclipse

On September 27, 2015 most of us will have the chance to see something truly amazing when three celestial events – a full moon (which is the harvest moon), a super moon, and a lunar eclipse will coincide at the same time. This is the largest moon that we will see until 2033. We haven't experienced a moon like this since 1982. With this moon phase, the moon will appear to be 14 percent larger in diameter than a normal full moon. This moon phase will be 5 nights long. Two nights prior to September 27th, the night of September 27th, and 2 nights after September 27th. This moon will be viable to almost the entire world to see and feel. Super moon phases are special because the energy that is emitted from the moon during these phases is unique and unlike any other moon phase throughout the year.

What does this moon phase mean for spells being cast? This means that covens of witches who use the moon as a source to create their energy for castings will have the best possible energy to work with off of the moon. This is a great time to get a spell cast by a coven that specializes working with the moon if you want strong results.

Love spells work particularly well in this sort of moon phase. Luck spells and money spells seem to do very well when the moon is full as well. Curse removals and protection spells work immediately when cast in a full moon, so expect to get rid of curses, voodoo, hexes and any black magic spells that have been placed on you almost immediately following your casting on a super moon phase. It is recommended that if you have a curse removal cast, make sure that you have a protection spell cast as well. This will put a circle of protection around you and will repel negative energy. No one will ever be able to put any type of curse or black magic on you again. Protection spells are permanent and help us from accumulating negative energy. This can be useful in bringing better luck into our lives paving the way for good things to come.

Try using the site They not only work with the moon as one of there main sources of energy, but usually around special high energy moon phases and holidays they will put a sale up on their website for spells at a discounted rate.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Fourth of July Full Moon in 2015

fourth of july full moon
People often ask when is the best night to cast on. The answer is during a full moon phase. A full moon phase consists of two nights prior to the full moon, the night of the full moon and two nights after the full moon. The moon is at its absolute peak of energy during this time. When the energy of the moon is high and you find the right coven to cast your spell, anything can happen, the sky is
the limit. Spells tend to end up being more powerful, but they work a lot faster. This way you get the results that you desire as fast as possible.

Something to keep in mind, to get the most bang for your buck as well as to get the most out of the spell you choose, is that most spells that you order are multi night casting. So, if you order a spell that takes 3 nights to cast, the best day to order it on is 2 days before the full moon.  This way, you have all 3 nights of casting in the strongest moon phase to cast in. (The 2 nights before the full moon, and the night of the actual full moon.) Or you can have the first night of casting the night of the full moon followed by the last 2 nights of the full moon phase. Which ever formula you choose, the best way to have the strongest casting is to get all nights in the full moon phase.  Although you should remember, Full Moon Castings tend to fill up quickly by the more reputable spell casters.

At witchcraft moon spells the entire coven participates the casting of each spell. This also includes all 15 witches and warlocks and one of the best psychics in the industry. He helps direct the way that the casting should go, and helps give insight to the clients so they know what is going on, and what to expect.

In addition, the Forth of July happens to fall on the last night of the full moon phase. This is an exceptionally powerful time of the year because there is so much positive energy in the universe. The Forth of July makes for a VERY strong time to cast a spell. After all, positive energy along with a high energy moon phase is what these spells run off of. This is one of the best moon phases of the entire year that you can have a spell cast.

In 2015, both the full moon and the 4th of July land within days of each other. It just so happens that the Fourth of July in 2015 is two days after the full moon phase. Always remember that casting a spell two days before or after a full moon is just as good as casting a spell during a full moon phase. This is why the full moon in July of 2015 is an especially high energy time of the year to have spell work done successfully.

Monday, April 20, 2015

How Moon Phases Affect Love Spells

When casting a love spell there are many factors to take into considerations. The moon phase is one of them. Love spells can be cast at any time, however when there are peak moon phases that do make the effects of a spell stronger. Did you know that the moon can affect the way the sea moves? It is only logical that the moon can affect love spells too. There are four main moon phases that we enter into which are:

·        New Moon
·        Waxing Moon
·        Waning Moon
·        Full Moon

The majority of these moon phases last for a full seven days. The full moon lasts only three days which is the best time to cast a love spell. The point of a love spell is generally to bring an old lover back or draw a new one into your life. When the full moon reveals itself, we all feel the energy it emits. The full moon absorbs emotions of love and regret, sorrow and anger and turns that energy into something positive to restore peace, harmony and balance into the universe. Love spells can be cast 365 days of the year and produce strong results, however love spells cast during this time are always more powerful.

The new moon brings energy into the universe that attracts new beginnings. This can include giving a relationship another try, or bringing new soul mates together. When we feel a strong connection to someone, we have most likely shared a past life together. That does not necessarily mean that we are meant to end up with that person in this life time. Sometimes we do and sometimes we do not. If we have all had dozens of past lives, think about all the different soul mates we have encountered. There is more than one person that will make us happy being in a relationship with them.

The Waxing moon is a good moon phase for love spells because this is a time to gain things that you desire. This can also include things such as money. Since we are focusing more on love spells, the waxing moon emits the energy of desire. It is a time to take control of situations where you no longer have control. If your ex has left you for someone else, this is a good time to have a return lover spell cast to bring that person back into your life for a second chance.

The waning moon in regards to love spells keeps bad influences away. If your partner’s ex keeps coming around creating problems within the relationship, this is a good time to have a binding spell cast to rid that person from your lives permanently. This also works well for family members influencing your partner to end the relationship when they need to just stay out of it. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Full Moon - Best Time for Magic Spells

There will be a full moon this Saturday April 4, 2015. Full moons are one of the best times to perform castings. Here are some reasons why:

  • The Moon’s energy is most intense when it reaches abundant fullness. Any magical effort, especially difficult ones, can benefit greatly from the potency of this phase. Use the full Moon to amplify magic intent and to give spell castings additional power.
  • Rituals on the full moon are very powerful. The energy of a full moon produces a great bounty of Magical energy, given to Witches by the Mother. This means that all the spells you desire to have cast will be stronger. It is also more likely that the results will happen faster.

A full moon ritual can be very complex and should be done by experienced practitioners. This is not a good time for beginners to start casting spells. The full moon can have many elements of energy that an authentic Witch will be able to use when casting spells. A Witch can also call down the moon and use the energy of the moon in the castings. Calling down the moon, happens when a Witch provokes the power of the moon and the presence of the Goddess. This can be a very intense experience and have found it works best when spells are cast by an entire coven working together. This is why our coven has 15 highly skilled witches and wiccans that perform all of our castings.

Everyone has different casting schedules just as we all plant our gardens at different times. Not everyone times their magic spells or takes their hoodoo ritual baths or plants their garden by the moon, but if you want to do so, you not only need to know how to work with the moon's influences, you need to know the cycles of the moon itself. The Moon goes through an entire cycle of waxing and waning about every 29 days. This is called a Lunar Month or Lunation. There are about 13 Lunar Months in a calendar (or Solar) year.

A full moon can produce outstanding results. The full moon holds large amounts of positive energies and magical powers. The full moon phase is the best time for magic spells that can be used for added power, protection, healing, transformations and many other uplifting aspects. Therefore, spells cast during full moon phase can have more powerful effects than spells cast during other moon phases. Inevitably, one will experience positive results while casting spells during the full moon. It’s considered as the ideal time for bonding, healing, and spreading love through magic spells.

So, all in all while white magic can work all of the time by the right coven, having a full moon at the time of your casting will help the elements of the energy in the universe. If you are looking to have a spell cast during the full moon visit