Showing posts with label full moon july 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label full moon july 2016. Show all posts

Friday, July 15, 2016

July 19th 2016 is Our Next Summer Full Moon Phase - Best Time to Cast a Spell

The full moon phase is the best time to cast a spell. Casting a spell in the summer months of a full moon phase is even better. On July 19, 2016 we have our next full moon. Get your spells cast on every night during the full moon phase in the summer months and you will have exactly what you set out to achieve. Whether it is love, finances, or just trying to have better luck come your way.

Spells are made up of energy. Our moon is one of the strongest sources to draw energy from. The fuller the moon, the more energy. The more energy the stronger the casting is going to be.

Why summer months? People tend to be in a better mood in the summer thus creating more positive energy. Positive energy from a full moon, and positive energy from people in good moods equals good, strong energy. Keep your energy good while the spell is manifesting, and this is the top three ways to get the best results possible when having a spell cast for you.

The full moon phase is five nights long. Two nights before the actual night of the full moon, the night of the full moon, and two nights after the actual night of the full moon. This is when energy is at its highest and the best time to cast spells.

Different spells have different numbers of nights cast. This is usually where you find a price difference. If you can find a spell for what you are looking for and have it be a five night casting you want this to land on every night of the full moon phase. This is a sure fire way to get fast and strong results. Especially in a full moon phase during the summer months. The more nights that you have cast in a high moon phase such as a summer time full moon phase the better it will be for your case and the better your results are going to be.

What it comes down to is the amount of energy that goes into each spell casting the better. It is also important that you find ways to cleanse your own energy while the spell is manifesting. You can do things like smudge with sage at home, and guided meditations. Some covens will even offer a negative energy cleansing where they do the cleansing of your energy for you. This rids the negative energy around you and replaces it with positive energy.