Showing posts with label samhain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label samhain. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

October Full Moon Spell Casting

October is the absolute best time to cast spells and here is why and when it will be the most beneficial time for you to have spell work done.

Come the beginning of October the spirits are starting to rise and their energy becomes very powerful all the way up to Halloween. Also known as “All Saints day”or "Samhain." The good thing about casting in October is there is so much powerful energy from the Saints, moon, and energy all around us.

October 16th is the night of the full moon. There are 5 nights in the full moon phase. Two nights prior to the night of the full moon, the night of the actual full moon, and two nights after the full moon. This means that the full moon phase starts on October 14th and runs through October 18th. Seeing that this is inching closer to the night of Halloween, this is without a doubt the strongest full moon phase of the year to cast a spell in.

Think of it this way: The more energy created, and the more elements that create energy that you can use in a casting the more powerful and timely your results are going to be. Let’s say that you order a spell that is one night of casting for 30 minutes. If you get your casting done in a full moon phase it would be equivalent to doing a one hour casting instead of a 30 minute casting. Now let’s say that you get your 30 minute casting in a full moon phase that is so close to Halloween. This would be equivalent to getting about one and a half to two hours of casting and energy out there.

This October full moon phase would help get strong, and timely results. If you have a very stubborn case, are dealing with a stubborn person, or if there are a lot of elements that need to go into your casting. This is THE BEST time for you to have a casting done. Particularly from a coven that uses the moon as one of their elements to cast. The moon is VERY powerful and is known to control people’s actions, feelings, etc. After all, how can it not? The moon controls the ocean, and humans are made up of mostly water. It only makes sense.

In conclusion if you need a strong spell cast, the full moon phase in October is your best bet. This is something that you need to jump on because reputable covens are going to fill up very quickly.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Samhain Halloween Casting October 31

This is the festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the darker half of the year. Samhain is celebrated from sunset on October 31 and goes into sunset of November 1. This is the best time to have certain spells cast. Such as curse removals, power spells, and luck spells. The energy from the moon, especially this year (2015) is a great time seeing that we will just be coming off of a full moon phase and entering the new moon phase. The new moon phase is a great time for “new beginnings” so getting rid of a curse, adding a protection spell so no one can ever place a curse on you again and then sealing the deal with adding a luck spell is one of the best things that you can do for yourself.

Even if you are not sure someone has placed a curse on you this is a great casting to have done. It will remove bad luck and negative energy. It will then put a circle of protection around you so that no one can ever place a curse, voodoo, or black magic on you every again. If you then add a good luck element to the casting this will ensure that good luck comes your way and follows you. This holds true to your love life, you work life, your home life, and even can bring a bout of good fortune your way.

Power spells do multiple things. You can go with a customized power spell to fit your exact needs. This includes but is not limited to moving up in your business. This works whether you are working for a company or own your own business. You can add giving you back the power in a relationship that you lost your voice in or feel like your partner is or has been running the show. This even helps with people with their confidence. Since a customized power spell is able to be customized to fit your needs you can add this element of confidence so you feel bigger and better then you have ever felt before.

These are some of the best spells that you can have cast for you for the Samhain casting. Take advantage of having a spell cast by having it cast at the right time. Both with the holiday and the moon phase you are sure to see AND feel great results!